1 min read

A New Journey of Consistency and Reflection

I'm not a writer, just a note-taker. A glimpse into my personal Slack channel, active for 4.5 years, has led me to a realization: I should start writing. It's not just about saving my thoughts anymore, but taking the time to articulate and expand upon them.

My intention is to take the time on a weekly basis and distill my thoughts into short easy to read essays. While these essays are primarily a form of self-expression and reflection for me, I invite you to join in this journey. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur, a tech enthusiast, or simply someone curious about the startup world, I hope these insights offer you a glimpse into the life of a startup founder and the ever-evolving tech landscape.

Maybe I've always wanted to do this

About 25 years ago, I embarked on what would unknowingly be the first step in my tech journey. I created a simple web application named "Save a Thought." It was a modest project, intended for personal use, but it became a cornerstone of my early experiences in technology. This early endeavor was more than just an experiment in coding; it was a reflection of my innate curiosity and desire to capture fleeting thoughts and ideas. As I look back, I realize how "Save a Thought" was a precursor to my current pursuits - it was my first foray into creating solutions that addressed real, tangible needs, even if it was just my own at that time.

Being at the helm of Tadabase has been a rollercoaster of experiences. Each day brings its own set of challenges, victories, and learning opportunities. I've encountered an array of situations that have tested my resolve, creativity, and leadership.

Consistency is something I continually strive for, yet it doesn't come easily to me. I intend to overcome this challenge by sharing my thoughts on a weekly basis. Let's see how this endeavor unfolds. Why haven't I embarked on this journey sooner? The primary reason is the significant time commitment it requires. English is not my first language, and I have been reluctant to burden others with proofreading my posts. However, with the assistance of AI tools and Grammarly, I'm hopeful that the proofreading process will become easier and more sustainable.